Jan 17 Morning Devotional

1 Chronicles 16:23

Jan 17, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

1 Chronicles 16:23

Sing unto the LORD, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation.

  • Praise
  • Salvation
  • God
  • Worship
  • Rejoicing

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Welcome to Day 4 of 'Christmas Inspirations.' Start your day with today's verse, and catch up on yesterday's evening message if you need to.
1 Chronicles is written as the Israelites return to Jerusalem after spending nearly 70 years in exile in Babylon. They were struggling to put their lives back together, from reestablishing the city to rebuilding the temple to renewing their relationship with God. In chapter 16, they brought the Ark of the Covenant back to its rightful place in Jerusalem after having been captured by the Philistines. In thanks to God, David ordered that sacrifices be offered to God, and they sang this song of praise for God's faithfulness. His unfailing mercy was the Israelites' assurance that they could always depend on Him to save them. Salvation is not just for the ancient Jewish people or any other elite or special group but for "all the earth."
In this season of joy and goodwill, let's be inspired to share the marvelous works of God not only among fellow believers but with those who may still be seeking. The gift of the Lord's salvation is freely offered to all who believe, and as recipients of this grace, it becomes our responsibility and privilege to carry His Good News to every corner of the earth. The God who rescued the Israelites is the same God present in our lives today. As we celebrate the miracle of Christmas, let's trust in His unwavering ability to restore and renew even the most seemingly hopeless situations. With hearts filled with gratitude, let us sing praises to the Lord for His unfailing faithfulness and boundless mercy, for He is truly the God who saves.
Join us tonight for more reflections and inspiration as we continue to illuminate the path of faith and spread the Good News of the God who saves!
Dear Heavenly Father, I sing praise to You for all You have done for me. You created this beautiful world and filled it with miracles. Unfortunately, many of us have taken them for granted. I pray that more and more people will see Your goodness and realize that You are the Creator, Protector, and Sovereign God. May everything I say and do give You honor and glory. Let Your presence encourage and comfort me as I face the challenges in my life. Thank You for Your forgiveness, mercy, and unconditional love for all of us. 
In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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