What Is the Amplified Bible?

Dec 30,2024 00:00

What Is the Amplified Bible?

The Amplified Bible (AMP) is a modern English translation of the Bible that seeks to provide a deeper understanding of scripture by incorporating multiple nuances of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words. First published in 1965, the Amplified Bible was developed by the Lockman Foundation and is widely used for study and devotional reading. Features of the Amplified Bible

What sets the Amplified Bible apart from other translations is its use of brackets and parentheses to expand on key words and phrases. These expansions aim to clarify the meaning and context of the original languages. For example, John 3:16 in the AMP reads: “For God so [greatly] loved and [dearly prized] the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son…” Translation Philosophy

The Amplified Bible employs a “word-for-word” translation method, with additional amplification to convey the richness of the biblical text. It seeks to be faithful to the original manuscripts while helping readers grasp the full intent and depth of the scripture. Who Uses the Amplified Bible?

The Amplified Bible is particularly popular among those who want to delve into the nuances of the biblical text without needing to know the original languages. It is often used for personal study, teaching, and gaining a deeper understanding of scripture. Strengths and Limitations


  • Provides expanded meanings for words, aiding in deeper comprehension.
  • Helpful for study and understanding complex theological concepts.
  • The amplifications can make the text more verbose and challenging to read for some.
  • It is best used as a companion translation alongside others for balanced study.
Biblical Inspiration

2 Timothy 3:16 reminds readers of the purpose of scripture: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” The Amplified Bible seeks to bring this inspiration to life by emphasizing the layers of meaning within the text.

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