When Was the Christian Bible Made?

Dec 31,2024 00:00

When Was the Christian Bible Made?

The formation of the Christian Bible was a gradual process that unfolded over centuries, as the inspired writings of Scripture were collected, recognized, and preserved by the early Church. The Bible consists of the Old Testament, which was inherited from Jewish tradition, and the New Testament, which emerged from the writings of Jesus’ apostles and their associates.

Formation of the Old Testament

The Old Testament was completed long before the birth of Jesus Christ. Its books were written between approximately 1500 BC and 400 BC, with the Hebrew Scriptures (the Torah, Prophets, and Writings) being recognized as sacred by Jewish communities.

Formation of the New Testament

1. Apostolic Writings: The New Testament books were written between AD 50 and AD 100. These include the Gospels, letters of Paul, and other epistles.

2. Recognition by the Church: By the late 2nd century, many Christian communities recognized most of the New Testament books as authoritative. The canon was formalized by Church councils, such as the Synod of Hippo in AD 393 and the Council of Carthage in AD 397.

Why This Matters

The process of forming the Christian Bible reflects the careful discernment of the early Church in preserving God’s Word. It underscores the importance of Scripture as the foundation of Christian faith and practice.

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