Where Does the Bible Say 666 Is the Devil's Number?

Jan 10,2025 00:00

Where Does the Bible Say 666 Is the Devil's Number?

The number 666 is widely known as the "number of the beast," referenced in the book of Revelation. In Revelation 13:18 (KJV), it says, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” This verse associates the number 666 with the beast, often interpreted as a symbol of evil or the Antichrist.

The Symbolism of 666

In biblical times, numbers often had symbolic meanings. The number 7, for example, symbolizes perfection or completion, often used to represent God's work (e.g., the seven days of creation in Genesis). The number 6, falling short of 7, can be understood as symbolic of imperfection or incompleteness. As such, 666, being three times the number 6, is often viewed as a symbol of ultimate imperfection or evil.

The Antichrist and 666

The number 666 is also directly linked to the figure of the Antichrist in Christian eschatology. This figure, described in Revelation, is seen as the ultimate enemy of Christ and the church, embodying rebellion against God. The number 666 represents his opposition to God's perfection. In Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV), it is stated that people will be required to receive a mark of the beast to buy or sell, and those who refuse to receive it will be persecuted. The number 666 thus becomes a symbol of allegiance to this force of evil.

While many interpretations have been proposed, it’s clear that the number 666 serves as a warning in the Bible about the dangers of rejecting God's sovereignty and worshiping false powers. Ultimately, the number’s association with evil highlights the conflict between God's kingdom and the forces of darkness.

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