Who Was Jesus’ First Disciple? Exploring the Call of Andrew

Jan 11,2025 00:00

Who Was Jesus’ First Disciple? Exploring the Call of Andrew

When considering the first disciples of Jesus, many might immediately think of Peter, but in fact, Jesus' first disciple was his brother Andrew. Andrew, along with his brother Peter, was called to follow Jesus while they were fishing on the Sea of Galilee. His story is told in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John, where we learn that Andrew's initial encounter with Jesus marked the beginning of his significant role in the early church.

Andrew’s Call to Discipleship

Andrew was a fisherman by trade, working alongside his brother Peter when they were called by Jesus to follow Him. In John 1:35-40, we read that Andrew was initially a disciple of John the Baptist. When John pointed to Jesus and declared, "Behold the Lamb of God!" Andrew immediately followed Jesus, spending the day with Him. This moment marked the beginning of Andrew’s journey as one of Jesus' disciples. The first thing Andrew did after meeting Jesus was to bring his brother Simon (Peter) to Jesus, leading to Peter’s own call as a disciple (John 1:41-42).

Andrew’s Role in the Ministry of Jesus

Andrew is often depicted as the one who brings others to Jesus. In addition to bringing his brother Peter, Andrew also played a key role in the feeding of the five thousand. In John 6:8-9, it was Andrew who found a boy with five loaves and two fish, offering them to Jesus. Andrew’s role was often supportive, but his faith and willingness to serve were evident throughout his time with Jesus. He was part of the inner circle of disciples, present during some of Jesus’ most significant moments, such as the Transfiguration and the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 17:1, 24:3).

The Legacy of Andrew

Though Andrew may not have been as prominent as some of the other apostles, his legacy as the first disciple and the one who brought others to Jesus is significant. His willingness to follow Jesus immediately and his desire to share the good news with others serves as an example for Christians today. Andrew’s story is a reminder that even those who are not in the spotlight can have a profound impact on the spread of the gospel.

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