Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

Jan 12,2025 00:00

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

Catholics often pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus, asking for her intercession. This practice can seem unusual to some non-Catholic Christians, but it is rooted in the Catholic understanding of the communion of saints. Catholics do not worship Mary, but instead honor her as a special figure in God's plan of salvation. They believe that she, as the mother of Jesus, has a unique relationship with Him and, through her intercession, can help bring their prayers to Him.

The Role of Mary in Catholic Belief

Mary holds a special place in Catholic theology. The Church teaches that Mary was chosen by God to bear His Son, and her yes to God's call (the Annunciation) is seen as an example of faith and obedience. Mary is also viewed as the "Mother of the Church," symbolizing the maternal care and intercession that Catholics believe she offers to all believers. In John 19:26-27, when Jesus says to Mary, "Woman, behold your son!" and to the disciple John, "Behold your mother," Catholics believe that Jesus entrusted His mother to all Christians, making her a mother to the Church.

Intercession and the Communion of Saints

Catholics believe in the communion of saints, which means that all members of the Church, both living and dead, are united in Christ. This includes asking the saints, including Mary, to intercede for them before God. Just as Christians may ask others on earth to pray for them, Catholics ask Mary and the saints in heaven to pray for them. In Catholic understanding, Mary is particularly powerful in intercession due to her closeness to Jesus.

The Biblical Basis for Praying to Mary

Although the Bible does not explicitly teach praying to Mary, Catholics see biblical support for the intercession of saints. In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul writes, "I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people." Catholics understand that asking Mary and the saints to pray for them is an extension of this biblical principle. Additionally, the angel Gabriel’s greeting to Mary in Luke 1:28, "Hail, full of grace," and Elizabeth's exclamation in Luke 1:42, "Blessed are you among women," are seen as biblical affirmations of her special role in salvation history.


Catholics pray to Mary not because they believe she is divine, but because they see her as a powerful intercessor who can help bring their prayers to Jesus. Through her unique role as the mother of Christ, Mary is honored as a model of faith and devotion, and Catholics believe that her prayers on their behalf can help them draw closer to God.

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