How Many People Did Jesus Raise from the Dead?

Feb 04,2025 00:00

How Many People Did Jesus Raise from the Dead?

Throughout His ministry, Jesus performed numerous miracles, including raising people from the dead. The Bible records three distinct individuals whom Jesus raised from the dead, demonstrating His power over death and foreshadowing His own resurrection. These miracles served as signs of His divine authority and His compassion for those suffering from the pain of loss. The three individuals were:

The Daughter of Jairus

In the Gospel of Mark (5:21-43) and Luke (8:40-56), Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus, a synagogue leader, who had died. Upon hearing the news of her death, Jesus went to her home, took her by the hand, and told her to arise. She immediately returned to life, astounding everyone present and confirming Jesus' power over death.

The Widow's Son at Nain

In the Gospel of Luke (7:11-17), Jesus raised the only son of a widow in the town of Nain. When Jesus saw the funeral procession, He was moved with compassion for the grieving mother. He touched the coffin and commanded the young man to rise. The son sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. This miracle showed Jesus' compassion and ability to restore life (Luke 7:15).

Lazarus of Bethany

The most well-known resurrection is that of Lazarus, recorded in John 11:1-44. Lazarus had been dead for four days when Jesus arrived at his tomb. Despite the doubts of those around Him, Jesus called Lazarus to come forth, and Lazarus was resurrected, coming out of the tomb still wrapped in burial cloths. This miracle was a powerful demonstration of Jesus’ authority and foreshadowed His own resurrection (John 11:43-44).


Jesus raised three people from the dead during His ministry—Jairus' daughter, the widow's son, and Lazarus. Each of these resurrections served as a powerful sign of His divine authority and compassion, illustrating His victory over death and His promise of eternal life for those who believe in Him (John 11:25-26).

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