What Do Mormons Say About Jesus?

Feb 07,2025 00:00

What Do Mormons Say About Jesus?

In Mormon theology, Jesus Christ is the central figure and the Savior of humanity. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) believes in the divinity of Jesus Christ, His atoning sacrifice, and His role as the Son of God.

Jesus Christ in Mormon Belief

Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God, who was born to the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, performed miracles, and taught the gospel. His death on the cross atoned for the sins of humanity, making salvation possible for all who follow Him and keep His commandments.

The Atonement

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is central to LDS doctrine. Mormons believe that Jesus’ suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and His crucifixion paid the price for sin, and His resurrection offers the promise of eternal life (Alma 34:9). Through His Atonement, all people can be forgiven and receive salvation if they have faith, repent, and are baptized.

Why This Matters

For Mormons, Jesus Christ is not only the Savior but also the example for how to live a righteous life. His teachings and sacrifice are foundational to the faith and to the eternal destiny of humanity.

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