Does the Bible Say Not to Eat Pork?

Feb 13,2025 00:00

Does the Bible Say Not to Eat Pork?

Yes, the Old Testament prohibits eating pork under the Mosaic Law, but the New Testament lifts these dietary restrictions for Christians. The prohibition in Leviticus reflects the purity laws for Israel, while the New Testament emphasizes spiritual purity over dietary rules.

Biblical Teachings on Eating Pork

  • Old Testament Prohibition: Leviticus 11:7-8 states, "And the swine... is unclean to you: of their flesh shall ye not eat," as part of the dietary laws given to ancient Israel.
  • Jesus Declares Foods Clean: Mark 7:18-19 records Jesus teaching that "it is not what goes into the body that defiles a person," signaling the end of dietary restrictions.
  • Peter’s Vision: In Acts 10:15, Peter has a vision where God says, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common," affirming the removal of food-related prohibitions.


While the Old Testament forbids eating pork, the New Testament lifts these restrictions, emphasizing spiritual purity and freedom in Christ.

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