What questions are asked before giving life to Jesus?

Feb 16,2025 00:00

The Questions Before Jesus' Birth

Before Jesus was born, several pivotal questions were raised in the Bible, particularly during the events leading up to His conception. In the Gospel of Luke 1:34, the Virgin Mary asks, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" This question highlights her uncertainty about how she would conceive as a virgin.

Joseph’s Dilemma

In Matthew 1:19, Joseph, when finding out about Mary's pregnancy, asks, "How can this be?" His initial reaction was one of confusion and concern, leading him to consider quietly divorcing her. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream, reassuring him of God's plan for the birth of Jesus.

Divine Confirmation

In the Bible, these questions were not met with immediate answers, but rather with divine intervention. The angel Gabriel assured Mary in Luke 1:35, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee." These questions and the subsequent divine revelations set the stage for the miraculous birth of Jesus, marking the beginning of God's plan for humanity's salvation.

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