Verses about 'weed'
Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when the plowman shall overtake the reaper.
Amos 9:13
Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.
Genesis 3:17
You will eat the plants of the field.
Genesis 3:18
You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have.
Haggai 1:6
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Hosea 10:12
I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, which she said were her wages.
Hosea 2:12
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Isaiah 2:4
They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
Isaiah 65:21
They have sown wheat but will reap thorns; they have put themselves to pain but will gain nothing.
Jeremiah 12:13
The land itself will vomit you out for defiling it, as it vomited out the nations before you.
Leviticus 18:28
The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.
Matthew 13:24
He said to them, 'An enemy did this.' The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?'
Matthew 13:28
Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds.
Matthew 13:30
The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom.
Matthew 13:38
Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
Matthew 15:13