Luke 2:14


Luke 2:14

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

  • Praise
  • Worship
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Salvation
Bebe's interpretation
Day 4 of our journey ends with tonight's verse. Don’t forget to check out this morning's inspiration if you haven't yet.
The birth of Jesus wasn't just a historical event; it was a celestial proclamation, a chorus of joy sung by angels in the highest heavens. This Christmas, let's not merely exchange presents but, in the quiet moments, listen to the echoes of that celestial hymn, reminding us of the profound peace bestowed upon us.
In a world often clamoring for peace, the message of Christmas resounds louder than ever. The peace we seek isn't just a temporary ceasefire but a transformative inner calm—a peace that emanates from a divine source. As we navigate the hustle of the season, let's pause to absorb the angelic refrain: "On earth, peace." It's an invitation to partake in the tranquility that flows from God's favor.
Let's carry this message in our hearts, sharing the joyous news of heavenly glory and peace on earth. 
Tomorrow, join me as we unwrap more treasures of wisdom and reflection. Wishing you a Christmas filled with the resounding echoes of heavenly peace.
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