2 Timothy 4:1


2 Timothy 4:1

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

  • Judgment
  • Kingdom
  • Christ
  • Salvation
Bebe's interpretation
Paul begins this final chapter of his letter by issuing a strong command to Timothy. Paul is imposing a stern, serious obligation on his friend. It is clear to Paul that he will not survive his current imprisonment. Hence, we find Paul solemnly urging Timothy to contend earnestly for the faith, to boldly preach God's Word, and to teach the gospel of grace, which he received directly from the Lord Jesus Christ.
This solemn charge was given greater weight by Paul's declaration that both God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ witnessed these all-encompassing instructions. He was about to inform Timothy that as the end of the Church era approached, fewer and fewer people would hold firmly to the sound truth of an uncompromised doctrine, while a growing number would be enticed away from gospel truth.
The time is approaching when Christ will set up His kingdom and judge the living and the dead. It is important that we take note of the significance of these final, solemn instructions from Paul to Timothy. Those who are firmly rooted in the inerrant Word of God will be fully prepared to preach His Word in every circumstance of life, as well as to encourage, reprove, rebuke, and exhort their brothers and sisters in Christ.
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