Hebrews 1:4


Hebrews 1:4

Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

  • Christ
  • Angels
  • Superiority
  • Faith
  • Hope
Bebe's interpretation
In this verse, Jesus is once again referred to as being superior. Earlier verses have explained that Jesus is now the conduit for God's message to mankind. The ultimate authority lies in Jesus Christ, who is the "exact imprint" of God's nature. It is also important to note that these verses remind a reader that Jesus is the Creator; He is not a created being. In this way, He is superior to all other beings, including angels.
Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on the cross, in which he appeared in appearance as a man. During His earthly journey, the eternal Son of God humbled Himself and became a man, even bringing Himself a little lower than the rebel angelic forces under the leadership of Satan, who had become ruler over the fallen world where He had come to live for a short time.
Nevertheless, God has exalted Him for His obedience to suffer and die for the sins of the world and has given Him a name that surpasses all others. Therefore, the Son of God became higher in rank than the angels He created, just as the name He inherited was superior to theirs, as He was given the name Jesus.
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