Psalms 8:4
Psalms 8:4
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
In several ways, God has shown care for humans. As soon as the world was ready, He created our first parents. The sun, moon, and stars provided them with light, the plants provided them with food, and the climate was ideal for sustaining life. Adam and Eve were fortunate to live in paradise. Besides providing a suitable environment for humans, God also showed His love and care by sending His Son as our Redeemer. In God's image and likeness, man was created. God formed man from the dust of the earth, and the Spirit of God breathed life into man's lifeless body of clay. God gave dominion over the works of His hand to man, not animals, angels, or any other created being. After man had been fashioned and formed by his Creator, God declared that everything He made was good. It is anticipated that the Lord Jesus Christ will soon return to take up His God-ordained dominion over the works of God, which were forfeited by the first man but which will be fully restored by the Second Man.