Romans 5:6


Romans 5:6

For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

  • Christ
  • Sacrifice
  • Salvation
  • Hope
  • Strength
Bebe's interpretation
The message Paul preached all over the world is summarized in this verse. It demonstrates that Christ's suffering for us is evidence of God's love for us. Despite our inability to help ourselves, he loved us and took action to save us. During His time on earth, Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected at the moment in history when His actions would accomplish the best for God's purposes.
It is a fact that God is never late but always arrives at the right time, the best time, the required time, and His appointed time. Thus, Christ died at the appropriate time. Many people wonder why there was a long period of time between the fall of Adam and Christ's sacrifice, but in God's economy, it was the right time for you and for us as a whole.
If He died for us, even though we were undesirable, ungrateful, and unlovable, how can we doubt His love? The great love that He had for us motivated Him to become the representative Man for our learning, living His life in the power of the Holy Spirit to demonstrate how we are to live ours as well.
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