Hebrews 3:5


Hebrews 3:5

And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;

  • Faithfulness
  • Moses
  • Obedience
  • Trust
  • Service
Bebe's interpretation
Throughout Hebrews, the author repeatedly emphasizes that Jesus is a "better" example than Moses. Unlike Moses, who was created by God, Jesus is the Creator. Unlike Moses, who was faithful as a servant in God's household, Jesus is faithful as God's son. Jesus fulfilled the promises Moses made in preparation for what was to come. In the following verses, this point will shift to identify what happens when we fail to believe God's promises.
Despite Moses' service, he was simply a dim representation of Christ, the eternal Creator who sits in heavenly places and serves as God's Son over His entire household. Aside from this, Christ holds a far superior position and status than Moses, who merely testified to the coming Savior. While Moses was responsible for the physical care of God's house in the wilderness, the Lord Jesus is the Creator and Sustainer of everything. 
We, as members of Christ's Body, should devote ourselves to our Heavenly Father in keeping with our earthly duties. The words we speak and the actions we take should reflect the beauty of Jesus, and the lives we lead should serve as a testimony to the riches of God's grace toward us.
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