2 Peter 2:19


2 Peter 2:19

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

  • Freedom
  • Bondage
  • Corruption
  • Sin
  • Temptation
Bebe's interpretation
One of the human ministry gifts God gave the church for the edification of the body is prophets. The prophetic ministry has the responsibility of making the divine counsel or will of God known on a particular matter. They work hand in hand with pastors and teachers to ensure that the mind of God is revealed to the church. Since Satan is known for counterfeiting God's handiwork, he has also recruited some false prophets and teachers to water down the message of the gospel.
They lead their audience to abuse the grace and goodness of God, thus making them continue in sin rather than fear God. The grace of God is used as a weapon against the fear of God. According to them, liberty in Christ means a license to do whatever you want and that past, present, and future sins have been paid for, thus encouraging sin. Their victims are babes in Christ, those who have just discovered their new life and nature in Christ. Their messages tilt these new converts towards the filthiness they had forsaken, and thus, they become entangled and enslaved by the domineering power of sin. These preachers teach freedom from righteousness to become servants of sin because they are also enslaved by sin and are dominated by it.
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