Luke 2:1


Luke 2:1

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

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Bebe's interpretation
Luke establishes a timeline for the events surrounding Jesus' birth as part of his "orderly account." This is related to the general time of the birth of John the Baptist, which begins with a reference to Augustus, the Roman Emperor from 27 BC to AD 14. The order issued by Augustus is a census: a count of the population. The census was used for the taxation of everyone within the Roman Empire.
During this time, Mary was heavily pregnant, and she was living with her espoused husband, Joseph, in the little town of Nazareth, which, like all the cities of Judea, was under the oppressive rule of the Romans. Though Rome's motive may have been to tighten its grip on the subjugated people of God, in the end, God's plans and glorious purposes were carried out for our eternal benefit and for His glory.
The corridors of power and the courts of many despotic nations are full of shocking laws that mock God's ultimate authority. Just as God used the decree issued by Caesar Augustus to fulfill His prophetically inspired Word of Truth, God will use every evil intent to advance His perfect plan for finally achieving His eternal purpose.
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