John 13:35


John 13:35

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

  • Unity
  • Love
  • Discipleship
  • Christ
  • Fellowship
Bebe's interpretation
If you examine carefully the laws and commandments in Scripture, you will find that it boils down to two things: love for God and love for others. Love is the summation of the law and the prophets according to the words of Jesus. Our love for God will make us respect and fear Him, and our love for others will not allow us to do things that will cause them harm. Love is the bedrock of any lasting and valuable relationship.
The apostles were appointed to be the first pioneers of the Church, which is God’s family on earth. What distinguishes a true disciple of Jesus from the crowd is not their outward appearances, their self-righteousness or even their exercising the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit but love for one another. Our show of love to the brethren is proof that we have truly denounced darkness and are now in the light. The character of love distinguishes believers from non-believers. It is the defining factor of the Christian faith.
Just as Christ loved us, we are expected to love one another unconditionally. Our love should not just be in words but also in deeds. By loving one another and responding to God, we can show the unbelieving world God's love.
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