John 4:15


John 4:15

The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

  • Living Water
  • Jesus Christ
  • Salvation
  • Thirst
  • Spiritual Fulfillment
Bebe's interpretation
Have you ever pursued something in your life that you thought would finally satisfy you and your ambitions? Maybe it was a career opportunity, a material possession, or even a relationship. Regardless of what it was, it most likely turned out to be unsatisfying, even if it made you happy for a bit of time.
The truth that we must face in our lives is that Jesus is the only thing that can truly satisfy us. In each of us, there is a thirst for something greater that must be satisfied. However, we often seek satisfaction in anything other than Jesus. We chase fame, money, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. Yet we always come up short.
Instead, let us be like the woman at the well. Let us ask Jesus for the water that fully satisfies us. Let us drink from the fountain that comes from our Holy God and finally be satisfied in all aspects of our lives.
What have you been using to try and satisfy your thirst? Take some time in prayer and give that thing up to God, asking Him to help you thirst more for Him instead.
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