Hebrews 13:4
Hebrews 13:4
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
An institution that is as old as the existence of man is marriage. It was created by God Himself for companionship (solving the problem of loneliness), procreation (God's plan for the multiplication of spirit children) and prevention of adultery (to ensure the sanctity of the union). The sacredness of this institution, however, is being threatened by sexual immorality currently prevalent in our society. Over the years, human culture has been in agreement with the Christian perspective on marriage. Sexual chastity was not just a virtue, it was prioritized and seen as a thing of pride and glory. All acts of sexual impurity were frowned upon before and during marriage, and marital fidelity was held in high esteem. But in recent times, our cultural trends have taken a detour from what they used to be. Sexual immorality is perceived as enjoyment; separation and divorce have become the order of the day in today's marriages. The institution of marriage and sexual relationships is no longer respected; it has been deprived of purity and sanctity. The marital union is a lifelong covenant between the couple who are made one by the sexual relationship that binds them together. God frowns at any sexual activity outside the boundaries of marriage and it attracts punishment for the offender because it defiles the sanctity of the union. As believers, we must be sensitive and guided to avoid sexual sins before and in marriage. We must be a model of moral light to the darkness of this world in our marriages.