James 1:2


James 1:2

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

  • Joy
  • Trials
  • Growth
  • Patience
  • Faith
Bebe's interpretation
Life is indeed in stages, and for one to advance from one level to another, one must undergo a form of testing or examination. A child is not promoted if he or she does not pass the prerequisites for the next class. This can only be achieved when that child goes through an exam, which is usually not an easy task. Students do not find exams pleasant and palatable because they require rigorous preparation.
Life, however, tests us unexpectedly, regardless of whether we are prepared or not. These unpleasant experiences with which life tests us elicit diverse responses from every individual. We might not have control over the turn of events, but how we respond goes a long way to determining what will happen in our lives eventually.
Apostle James, in the above Bible verse, tells us how, as believers, we should respond when we are being tried with bad experiences. Usually, when bad things happen, we tend to think and talk in the negative. James expects that believers have an entirely different perspective on the way we view and approach trying moments. As emotional beings, we cannot be happy when we are in an unpleasant situation. But God expects us to realize that there is a purpose for those trials, and we rejoice because their occurrence is for a greater good. We should realize that our maturity in becoming more like Christ is dependent on our response to the trials that we face. 
Therefore, we should cultivate a positive attitude regarding trials and see them as opportunities to grow into God’s ideal man – Christ.
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