Genesis 14:20


Genesis 14:20

And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

  • Blessing
  • Gratitude
  • Provision
  • Worship
  • Faithfulness
Bebe's interpretation
The practice of tithing is a topic that often stirs up controversy among Christians. While some believe that tithing is an outdated practice that should be discarded, others see it as an everlasting ordinance that should be upheld. Still, others believe that the mode of payment can be adjusted to suit modern times. Tithing is rooted in the Old Testament and was God's way of providing for the Levites, who consecrated themselves for the work of the ministry to God's people. By giving ten percent of their income to God, believers acknowledge that all that they have comes from Him and show their commitment to the Lord's work.
The faithful observance of this command can bring great blessings to the believer, as noted in Malachi 3:10-12. As believers, we should see giving to God as an opportunity for greater blessings and a privilege. Everything we have comes from Him, and we are just stewards who have the privilege to enjoy the resources He has blessed us with. As stewards of God's resources, it is our duty to use them wisely and to give back to Him. 
Let us remember that God is the ultimate provider and that by obeying His command to tithe, we are honoring Him and His work. As you give to God, do it with a cheerful heart and in faith, knowing that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.
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