Proverbs 28:13
Proverbs 28:13
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
This verse teaches us that the conditions of freedom are confession and amendment. When we make mistakes, the first instinct is to hide. It’s our human nature to overlook our mistakes and run away from punishment. Even if no one finds out about the mistakes you made, have you ever forgotten about them? The answer is most likely no. We can hide our mistakes from others, but we will not be able to hide them from ourselves or from God. Dwelling on our sins prevents us from receiving God’s mercy and doing the good works that God has called us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Before we can learn from a mistake, we need to admit it. God knew we would sin, but He did not abandon us. He offers us the way to receive forgiveness, which is to confess our sins to Him, make amends if they involve others, and take the necessary steps to avoid committing them again. Forgiveness starts with confession. Mercy comes when we turn from our sins and turn to God.
Matthew 6:12
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
Psalms 130:4
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
Luke 17:3
If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, forgive him.