Romans 3:23
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
This verse tells us that every human being has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - no one is exempt from this universal truth. The righteous standard of God is beyond the reach of all sinners. Therefore, all of us are helpless, guilty, damned, and deserve death and eternal separation from our blessed Creator. However, Christ's apostles and prophets were entrusted with the amazing gospel of grace. The apostle Paul joyfully concludes this section on humanity's condemnation with a powerful explanation of God's eternal plan for salvation in his epistle to the Romans. The truth is that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But we are justified freely by His grace and through His redemption that is in Christ Jesus, who was crucified for the sins of the world. We have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. As apostles, we shall give Him the glory due to His name in our words, our actions, our attitudes, and our behavior. Let us reject all things that lead to evil and live every day of our lives in order to bless and praise Him without ceasing.
Psalm 10:4
In his arrogance, pride the wicked man does not seek him.
Psalms 51:5
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Romans 14:23
For whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Proverbs 14:9
Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.