Psalms 23:3
Psalms 23:3
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Just as a shepherd tends to his flock, the Lord watches over us with unfailing care. Shepherds often lead their sheep to still waters and green pastures to nourish and restore them. When a sheep is weak, the shepherd carries it, nursing their sheep until they are healthy again. In the same way, the Lord restores us to good spiritual health after we were harmed by the evil world order and, even more often, when we hurt ourselves through our lack of devotion to Him. When we first trusted in His name for our great salvation, He first restored our soul to life through the quickening power of His death and resurrection. Then, our Lord continues to revive our fainting soul and reignite our dwindling spirit when we find ourselves exhausted, hurt, anxious, and tired from the hardships of life. The Lord also restores us from the error of our foolish wanderings and gently leads us back into the path of peace, where He establishes our way and guides us along the proper path since He knows the way that is best for us to follow. Regardless of how far we stray from Him, our great Shepherd will never lose a single one of us since we are protected in the powerful palm of His hand, and we are protected by His loving care.
Psalm 25:9
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
Psalms 25:9
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.