Galatians 3:26


Galatians 3:26

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

  • Inheritance
  • Faith
  • Christ
  • Children of God
  • Identity
Bebe's interpretation
We are often given different identities by society and people around us based on our background, achievements, and financial status. The truth we learn from this verse is that our meaning in life is not determined by what we have or don't have, what we've done or haven't done. We already possess a life of infinite meaning and purpose because of who we are - children of God. In Christ, all believers are God's children, regardless of race, class, or gender.
We have a tendency to believe that if we appear attractive or successful in the outside world, we will also possess this quality on the inside. But that's not true. Having external success, accomplishments, and recognition does not necessarily produce happiness and peace within. On the outside, we often portray a false front that disguises who we really are and hides our emotional hurts. We can impress others, but God always knows our hearts. When we declare Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have been accepted as God's children. Christ has offered us the way to get to the Father, and it's free for everyone. Don't let the world determine who you are. The only identity equation that works in God's kingdom is you plus Christ.
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