Psalms 2:12


Psalms 2:12

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

  • Trusting God
  • Faith
  • Salvation
  • Christ
  • Worship
Bebe's interpretation
This psalm clearly states that failing to have a good relationship with the Son ends in His wrath and indignation, which leads to damnation. However, those who "kiss the Son" are blessed and protected by Him. The messianic implications of this verse are clear. It is not God who is being honored with a kiss, but God's "son." Jesus is the Son of God to whom allegiance must be given in order to reach the Father. We can only be saved by having faith in Jesus Christ.
Christ is not only God's chosen King but also the rightful King of our hearts and lives. Since God has placed Him on the throne and has decided to speak through Him, there can be no excuse for failing to worship Him and serve the Lord. As Christians, we are called to "kiss the Son" lest we perish. If we do so in the spirit of honor, we will experience the blessing of taking refuge in Him. In order to be ready for the return of Jesus Christ, we must put our trust in Him and submit to His leadership every day.
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