John 16:33


John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

  • Peace
  • Strength
  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Trusting God
Bebe's interpretation
The words of Christ found in this verse are among those that are most cherished in the gospel of John. Throughout this statement, we find teaching, remembrance, warnings, and encouragement. It is imperative to note that becoming a Christian does not guarantee an easy life. Born-again Christians are joyous because they know that Christ has already achieved ultimate victory, and nothing in this world can undo it. 
This was the most challenging event in the history of the universe for the Lord Jesus. Despite this, He managed to convey His message to His confused and fearful followers. They were moderated by the gracious words of comfort our Savior uttered on the day of salvation. Those words of comfort and succor were written to provide reassurance and support, strength, hope, and courage to the disciples and to those generations who had trusted in Christ as a Savior.
There is no doubt that He has overcome the system of the world, the power of the flesh, and the wiles of Satan. He paid for His sins and broke the old sin nature, which had imputed sin to the entire human race via Adam's inheritance. The power of death and hell was broken by Him. Because of this, God's amazing grace was demonstrated in a cascade of riches upon all who believed in His name.
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