Mark 6:31


Mark 6:31

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

  • Rest
  • Peace
  • Relationships
  • Strength
  • Obedience
Bebe's interpretation
We live in a culture that sacrifices rest for chronic overwork. Unrest is rooted in our hearts. We sacrifice rest in order to achieve success, power, and productivity in almost all areas of our lives. It is our sinful nature to seek approval and praise from our family and peers. Our pride may lead us to think that if we achieve more, earn more, or accomplish more, God will love us more. But that's far from the truth. Thankfully, God does not ignore our need for rest, nor does He leave us without good reasons or motivations. The Bible is very clear that humans need rest. As a matter of fact, even Jesus experienced fatigue as a human being (John 4:6). 
This verse is not just an invitation from Jesus to His disciples to go to a quiet place and rest a while with Him; it's for us as well. Our Savior knows when we need rest, and in those moments, He invites us to get away with Him. He wants to draw you away from the chaos and the bustle of life so that you might rest in His presence. 
If you feel like your energy tank is running low, take some time to rest and recharge so that our labors tomorrow will be energized and ready to carry on the task that God has given us.
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