2 Corinthians 3:17


2 Corinthians 3:17

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

  • Holy Spirit
  • Liberty
  • Freedom
  • Faith
  • Presence
Bebe's interpretation
Our freedom in Christ is one of the most precious gifts we have received from our spiritual union with God. Being free means being open, being bold, having nothing to hide, and having nothing to fear. Those who are free don't have images to hide behind or identities to preserve; they live to their full potential as God created them. While we all desire freedom, we often confine ourselves to shame, self-hatred, and self-doubt. This verse reminds us that when we follow the Lord's Spirit rather than the world's rules and opinions, we can enjoy true freedom. 
God wants you to live an abundant life, and part of living abundantly is living in freedom. It's time to stop being a slave to your finances, your health conditions, your job, your past, or your sins. Let the Holy Spirit lead your day. You are loved, accepted, forgiven, and free to live for Christ when you trust Him!
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