Mark 8:36
Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
The soul is the spiritual or immaterial essence of us as a human being. Our soul does not cease when our fleshly bodies die; it lives forever, either in heaven with God if we are saved or in hell apart from God if we reject Jesus. Even though our soul is immortal, Jesus confronts us with a profound fact: Our soul can be lost. We work so many hours today that we barely have time for life. We all live, but few of us can say we live a life. We spend so much time working that we don't have time to nurture our souls. Although it may seem like we are gaining the world, the sacrifice of sleep, quiet time with God, family, friendships, hobbies, service, and community leaves our souls unfulfilled. This is a wake-up call from the Lord to shift our focus from earthly desires to what really matters in life. Everything else is worthless if we have not first attended to the needs of our souls. Jesus was mocked, beaten, lied to, rejected, whipped, spat on, and died so that our souls can live on in eternity with God. It's a gift from God. Don't lose it!