1 Corinthians 1:17


1 Corinthians 1:17

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel.

  • Evangelism
  • Gospel
  • Preaching
  • Mission
  • Purpose
Bebe's interpretation
The mission of evangelism is central to the heart of Christianity, and this verse reminds us that the primary purpose of the believer is to share the gospel message. Paul, in his letters, emphasizes that while baptism is important, the core of Christian ministry is the proclamation of the gospel. Our mission is not merely to perform rituals but to spread the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. The task of sharing the gospel is vast and ever-present, and as Christians, we must focus on its urgency. It requires a deep commitment to the mission that Jesus entrusted to His followers. Baptism may be a response to the gospel, but the gospel itself—God’s salvation plan through Christ—is the message that must be preached. This commission calls each believer into action, encouraging a life that continually engages in the task of spreading the good news, not just through words, but through deeds that reflect the transformative power of the gospel.
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