2 Thessalonians 1:7


2 Thessalonians 1:7

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.

  • Rest
  • Peace
  • Christ
  • Comfort
  • Promise
Bebe's interpretation
For those who are troubled, this promise of rest is a profound comfort and hope. As we face the struggles of this world, the assurance of Christ’s return offers us a peace that sustains us. This rest is not just a temporary relief from our present hardships but a promise of a future filled with joy and peace. Knowing that Jesus will return, accompanied by mighty angels, gives us the strength to endure, to hold on to hope, and to find comfort in His presence even now. This promise of rest is an invitation to trust that our struggles are not the end, that there is a greater joy awaiting us in His coming. This rest is a refuge, a place where we can lay down our burdens and be filled with peace, knowing that Christ has overcome the world. Embracing this hope fills us with courage, a peace that enables us to live boldly, confident that God’s promises are true and that we are held securely in His love. This promise of rest is a foundation, a peace that anchors us as we look forward to the day when He will make all things new.
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