Acts 4:33
Acts 4:33
And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
The apostles gave bold testimony of the resurrection: “With great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.” The resurrection empowered them to proclaim the gospel with boldness, despite opposition and persecution. Their testimony of the risen Christ was not based on hearsay or conjecture, but on personal experience. The apostles had seen the risen Lord with their own eyes, and their lives were transformed by this encounter. The resurrection is the foundation of their testimony and the driving force behind their mission. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead was at work in the apostles and continues to work in believers today. The resurrection emboldens us to live with courage and to speak boldly of the hope we have in Christ, knowing that His power is at work in us.
Philippians 3:10
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.
1 Corinthians 15:20
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.
Mark 16:4
And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.
1 Peter 3:18
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.