John 6:27


John 6:27

Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life.

  • Eternal Life
  • Endurance
  • Salvation
  • Food
  • Value
Bebe's interpretation
Jesus challenges us to prioritize spiritual sustenance over earthly needs. The “food that spoils” refers to the temporary pleasures and desires that consume so much of our energy and focus in this life—material possessions, status, and comfort. In contrast, the “food that endures to eternal life” speaks of the eternal sustenance found in Christ. This food is the Word of God, His grace, and the spiritual nourishment that comes through a relationship with Him. By seeking after eternal nourishment, we shift our priorities away from short-term satisfaction to long-term fulfillment. We choose to invest in the things that matter eternally—our relationship with God, the building of His kingdom, and our growth in faith. This verse calls us to reflect on where we are investing our time and energy—are we pursuing things that fade, or are we seeking that which leads to eternal life?
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