Proverbs 18:24


Proverbs 18:24

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

  • Betrayal
  • Friendship
  • Loyalty
  • Trust
  • Support
Bebe's interpretation
Proverbs teaches us that the true value of friendship is found in loyalty and support, even in times of difficulty. A man with many companions may face ruin because superficial friendships are easily shaken, but a true friend, one who sticks closer than a brother, provides enduring strength and support. This verse encourages us to evaluate the quality of our friendships, not just the quantity. True friends are those who stand by us, offer counsel, and support us in times of need. A true friend provides a safe and stable refuge, and their loyalty is a reflection of God’s faithfulness. This verse also calls us to be that kind of friend to others, offering unwavering support and care. The bond of a loyal friend is one of the greatest gifts in life, and we are reminded that, in times of trouble, it is the friend who remains close and faithful that we can rely on for strength and encouragement.
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