1 Peter 1:4

Jan 22, 2025 12:00
Written by: Blessed App

1 Peter 1:4

To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

  • Inheritance
  • Heaven
  • Glory
  • Promise
  • Salvation

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Peter continues to explain in this verse how we also have an inheritance upon being born again. How can we be entitled to an inheritance? Because through Christ, we are heirs to God's endless fortunes. How can we be considered heirs of God? It is because of Christ that we have become God's children. As children of God, we will never lose our inheritance. We have it now, and we will have it forever. 
The eternal security that we enjoy in Christ is not based on our merit or good deeds, nor does it depend on our unfailing trust in Him. Whether we have a living hope for today or a lasting hope for the future in heaven is entirely dependent upon the faithfulness of God Himself. The foundation for our hope does not rest on anything we do but on the unfailing constancy and integrity of our unchanging Heavenly Father.
As soon as you trusted Christ as Savior, you were born into a heavenly inheritance that can never fail, which God is keeping in heaven for you. In Christ Jesus, let us strive to live godly lives. From the inside of Christ, let us live a new, born-again life.
Dear Heavenly Father, through faith in Christ, I am a partaker of Christ's divine nature by Your grace. Thank You for placing me in Christ in heavenly places when I first believed, escaping the corruption of the world and being protected by His righteousness. You have given me and all believers the beautiful promises contained within the Word of Truth. I pray You will guide me in every step of my life in the direction of Your glory and praise. 
In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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