James 3:18

Feb 26, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

James 3:18

And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

  • Peace
  • Righteousness
  • God
  • Relationships
  • Forgiveness

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Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to be peaceful, especially when it comes to your interactions with other people? It’s interesting to think about how everything contrary to the fruit of the Spirit happens so naturally. When someone comes up to you and says something that you don’t like, it’s easy to say something rude back or maybe even throw a punch. After all, this is why so many people become violent when they drink too much alcohol. Their inhibitions are lowered, and what is natural and easy is what comes out. 
However, that’s not how God calls us to live. Instead, we are to find the fruit of righteousness in sowing peace and making peace with those around us.
What does this mean? Well, when it comes to interacting with one another daily, it means making peace and being united with them rather than causing dissension or disunity among the brethren. It means believing the best about one another and letting things go, valuing your love for them over anything they may have done to you.
This is difficult to do, but that is the calling God has placed on each of us. Think about what Jesus would do before we react to someone's wrongdoing. Sow peace and make peace with others.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God of peace. Thank You for bringing me peace when I need it the most. Lord, I pray that You help me become a more peaceful person and be kind to others. Even when I am irritated and annoyed with those around me, please help me sow peace and make peace by the power of Your Spirit. Help me to show others the very peace that you have placed within me through Christ Jesus. 
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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