Acts 22:16

Apr 13, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

Acts 22:16

And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.

  • Baptism
  • Forgiveness
  • Repentance
  • Salvation
  • Obedience

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It takes faith and action to be washed from the sins that are tied to the natural unregenerate man. The work has been done by Jesus, but anyone who wishes to draw from the wells of life must also be willing to do what it takes. And it doesn’t take much. 
Paul, speaking in this text, motivates his hearers to come to the place of complete redemption not just by being baptized but by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus. 
As necessary as baptism is, it is not the act of it that makes a person saved but salvation is found in the finished work of Christ. When people believe in their hearts and confess with their mouths what they have believed, they enter God's salvation plan in Christ.
Does this render baptism null and void? Not by any chance. But we simply make a case for the name of Jesus and His Mighty power to save. Why does the name of Jesus save? It is because it is a name He has received from the Father of light. It is the only name given through which men may be saved. There is power, healing and salvation in that name because of the magnitude of sacrifice Jesus made. 
What are you waiting for? Rise, be baptized, wash away your sins, and call on the name of the Lord!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for the name of Jesus by which I am saved and forgiven. You have made a way for me to live again and enjoy the fullness of life that comes with believing in You. I am grateful for the salvation of my soul which is only possible because of the name of Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for Your sacrifice for my salvation. My sins are washed away now and forever. I am free. I am saved. I am sustained by the power. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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