Galatians 5:14

Apr 30, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

Galatians 5:14

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

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  • Heart
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What is love if the Bible talks about it so much? How does it relate to the existence of man or the balance of the universe?
First, we must make a brief journey of deductions. If we understand that God is love, then it means “to love” is to express God. Now, the Bible also says that everything is sustained by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). But we also know that the word of God is God (John 1:1). From this, we know that God is in everything, and one of the ways to establish His dominion is to perpetually broadcast His presence. This is what the command to love is. It is a command to propagate God’s personality, dominion, and glory. Because God is love, loving others is an act of worship.
Loving others is serving God. When the Law was given, it was a compendium of commandments that the people of Israel were to obey to show their reverence for God. However, when Jesus came, He revealed that the whole Law is to love God in spirit and truth and to love your neighbor as sincerely as you love yourself.
The Bible says that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to die and save the perishing. There is no greater love than that in which a man would lay down his life for others. And that was exactly the kind of love Jesus expressed. It is the kind of unconditional love you and I have been called to.
Our love must not only be in words but also stand the test of practice. You must love your brothers and sisters with the same intensity as you love yourself.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You help me to love my brothers and sisters with my whole heart. You have shown us the way to love, but we often fail. We have the most accurate reference in Your love and sacrifice for mankind. Please help me look up to You and learn to live by Your precepts. I am not perfect, yet You love me to the point of giving Your life for me. Help me show this kind of unconditional love to those I rate as imperfect. Grant me the grace to let love flow out of my heart and keep me in line with Your will always.
In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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