1 Timothy 6:7

Jun 26, 2025 12:00
Written by: Blessed App

1 Timothy 6:7

For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

  • Contentment
  • Patience
  • Trust
  • Eternal Life
  • Humility

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Have you ever found yourself consumed by the pursuit of material wealth or possessions? At this point, it seems to be part of the human condition to be stuck in the cycle of keeping up with what everyone else has. We often get hoodwinked and drawn in by commercials and advertisements, especially on social media, that portray a certain lifestyle defined by material gain.
However, is it really a gain if it isn’t eternal? As Christians, we are called to live with an eternal mindset, meaning that we are called to live in light of the eternal life that we have gained through Christ. Our actions and deeds should be defined by that which is long-lasting, not by that which is temporary.
In the case of material wealth and possessions, they are certainly temporary. After all, like this verse in 1 Timothy says, we brought nothing into this world, and we certainly cannot take anything with us when we die.
Are you caught in the pursuit of material wealth? Have money or possessions taken the place of God in your life? Think about these things today as you strive to live for eternity, not for the temporary.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am sorry for all the times that I have chased short-term gain instead of long-term kingdom-building. I know that Your Kingdom is eternal and that I have eternal life in You, yet it is difficult to keep my focus on the eternal. I pray that You help me to remember my calling to live in light of eternity. I also pray that You help me fix my eyes on the end of the race rather than merely what is right in front of me. 
In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.
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