Matthew 6:13

Jul 05, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

Matthew 6:13

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

  • Prayer
  • Protection
  • Temptation
  • Kingdom of God
  • Spiritual Warfare

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Temptation seems to be common to every human. Even Jesus was not exempt. It therefore implies that no matter the level of spirituality, we cannot escape or be shielded from being tempted. Scripture makes it clear that God does not tempt us with evil but we are tempted because of our lustful desires (James 1:12). Most times, the enemy takes advantage of our fleshy desires by tempting us so as to make us sin. While we know that God cannot entice us to sin, He may allow us to experience difficult times in order to test our trust and love for Him.
From the beginning the devil has been using the strategy of enticement to get man to do things contrary to the will of God. He tempts us with beautiful and irresistible things that we can see (lust of the eyes) such as pornographic content in books and movies, adverts, music, films that promote sensuality. He entices us with cravings for food, alcohol, illicit drugs and sexual pleasure (lust of the flesh). The devil can also cause man to transgress by virtue of his achievements, wealth and acquisition of possessions thus making the latter self-dependent and sufficient in himself (pride of life). But we can overcome the temptations that the devil throws at us in the same way Jesus did - by being filled with the Word of God. 
We cannot wish away temptations but we can be assured of victory if we are armed with God's Word at all times.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me from the snare of the enemy. I am grateful to You, Lord, for helping me stay strong in the spirit. I ask that You help me be sensitive to the craftiness of the devil. Help me recognize when I am tempted by the devil, and give me the inner strength to resist him. Help me overcome every lustful desire the devil is using as bait to get me into sin. And when I do, may Your name be glorified by my victory. 
In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.
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