Psalms 111:1

Jul 18, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

Psalms 111:1

Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.

  • Praise
  • Worship
  • Gratitude
  • Faith
  • Fellowship

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This verse is a hymn of praise to the Lord, expressing gratitude for His wonderful works and mighty deeds. It celebrates the glory of God and invites all to join in giving thanks and praise to Him. The psalmist declares that he will praise the Lord with his whole heart in the company of the upright and the assembly of the faithful. The verse sets the tone for a psalm that exalts the greatness of God and calls for His worship and adoration.
After accomplishing the ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross for our sins, rising on the third day, and ascending into heaven, Christ received a position of honor at the right hand of God. This right-hand position signifies Christ's power over Satan's dominion of sin and death. By sitting at God's right hand, Christ continues to intercede for us and glorify His Father in heaven.
But before the Second Coming, Jesus will gather His Bride in the Rapture of the Church. The trumpet of God will sound, and the dead in Christ will be raised, while the living and resurrected saints will be raptured into the heaven of heavens, where they will be with the Lord forever.
Dear Heavenly Father,  I give You thanks with my whole heart for all the wonderful works that You have done. Your works are great and worthy of praise, and I stand in awe of Your mighty power and infinite wisdom. Help me to always remember Your goodness and faithfulness and to proclaim Your greatness to all those around me. May my heart overflow with gratitude and praise for all that You have done and all that You are.
In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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