Romans 8:14

Oct 12, 2025 05:00
Written by: Blessed App

Romans 8:14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

  • Holy Spirit
  • Guidance
  • Faith
  • Identity
  • God

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Without divine assistance, no man will be able to find the way to heaven or walk into it when found. Through Christ's sacrificial offering, the kingdom of God has been made accessible to all believers. The Spirit of God is the agent here below to enlighten us, strengthen us, and guide us towards the Father. This verse affirms that everyone who is led by the Spirit of God is a child of God. 
When we receive God's Spirit, we have been adopted as His own children and have the privilege to call Him "Abba, Father (Romans 8:15)". Our victory over sin through Christ is the best evidence of the power of God's Spirit. Through Christ, we have a new upward force of the Spirit within us that is greater than the downward pull of our old sinful nature. Since our mind cannot be controlled at the same time by both our sinful desires and the Spirit, when we choose to be led by the Spirit, we have chosen to forgo our sinful desires. 
It is not about being driven but about being led by the Spirit. Welcome the Spirit into your life, and He will lead you to a victorious and fulfilling life.
Dear Heavenly Father, I surrender to You wholeheartedly and long to follow You today. It gives me immense joy and peace to address You as Father and call You Abba. Please help me to walk in Your Spirit and truth and not to revert back to my old sinful natures, knowing that I have been set free and I can stand in that freedom as I submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Lord, fill my heart with Your Spirit. 
In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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